domenica 11 marzo 2012

Big transfer

The crazy idea is born in a cold winter day: make the transfer from my home to the race location with minimum impact, only by human power.

Let's go!

start from Aosta at 5 o clock

saturday march 10th, 5 a.m.; I start my road trip. Temperature is cold, very cold, only 29°F, icy roads and trails.
Noboby's on the road, I'm alone. I like it!

firsts sun lights warming!

first stop at the Viverone's lake

second stop near Malpensa's airport, after 8 hrs ride!

Ticino river crossing

After 11 hours and 160 miles across the mountains, villages, cyties and Fields of wheat, rice and barley, and only 2 little stops, I'm at destination.

my arrival with friends

Friends and singlespeeders waiting me with some beers. NICE!

After 4 hours (and a lot of beers!) the race start. 9 p.m. and only 11 bikers at the start (is the first edition) we decide to make 2 laps everybody and a "one shot race", only one lap at the maximum speed!

3-2-1 Go!!!

My tired legs pushing my air carbon to a crazy speed, and the beautyful and technical trail ends soon.

I close in first position, but this is no so important... My target is riding more and more, racing is only a excuse to See friends and to have fun!

the "podium" after the "race"

The day after I come back home by train. Relaxed and happy!

on the way to come back home

Good week end for me and my niner!

giovedì 1 marzo 2012

first singlespeed season's ride!

today is a hot day (to be the march 1st!) and 3 hours of singlespeed is the better metod to have good time!

my training spot is cleaned from snow, is ready for fun!!!

first training is done!

I draw a conclusion: singlespeed is the better way to ride a bike!

giovedì 23 febbraio 2012

2012 planning

Season's main events:

-april 15th: GF erbaluce (first season race to test my physical condition and the new bike)
-april 27 to 29th: SSEC (singlespeed european champs)
-may 20th: WEMBO world solo champs in Finale Ligure (the main event for the 2012 season)
-may 27th: GF granparadiso bike (a great classic race in my region)
-mid june: epic ride. Aosta to col tsa sèche, down on cogne valley and up to col de l'invergneux... 5'000 mt of elevation gain for a pure mountain tour
-july 8th: MB race. one of the hardest european races, with 140km and 6'700m of positive elevation gain...
-mid july: yoda invitational reloaded. pick up friends on my favourites trails!
-july-august: epic ride. make the big tour of mont blanc in one stage. 290km and 9'000m of positive elevation gain. it's a challenge!
-august-september: epic ride. make the big tour of mont fallère in one stage
-september 8-9th: SSIT (singlespeed italian champs and rest of the world champs) in San Carlo (Ms. Italy)
-october 1-6th: hellas trans mountain. 500km one stage race in peloponneso, greece. my first ultra marathon race...

lunedì 23 gennaio 2012


Hi friends!

On this new blog I need to show you all my bike trips around my fantastic region.

Race, adventure, epic rides...

I need to share images and words of my bike trips around the Aosta Valley.

I need to share my targets for the 2012 season:

-race: 24h solo worlds in Finale Ligure (WEMBO)
-race: MB race, in Chamonix Mont Blanc (France) one of the hardest mtb race in Europe with 140km and 6'500meters of elevation gain (only 5 finishers in 2011 and only ONE in 2010!!!)
-race HELLAS TRANSMOUNTAIN (ultramarathon race, 500km in one stage)

-epic ride: made the "tour du Mont Blanc" in one stage (24hours time limit), 290km and 9'000meters of elevation gain
-epic ride: night riding across the valleys in face of Aosta city
-epic ride: made a big tour around my region finding new trails

Stay tuned, spring time is near, new season coming soon!!!!